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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  September 1, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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snatched the livestock. it was taken to a local crocodile farm. he is a big guy. thank you, see you tomorrow. here's shep. >> now, "shepard smith reporting." live from the fox news deck. >> politics in a moment. first very quick weather update. florida updating for the first hurricane to hit the state in more than a decade. just moments ago the national hurricane center in miami upgraded tropical storm hermine to a category 1 hurricane, now packing winds at least 75-miles-an-hour and headed right toward the big bend of florida. here's where it is. hermine getting stronger. the forecast expected to make land inflame overnight, around 1 am. this think it just to the south of tall has see could be very, very wet in hall has -- tallahassee, up to 20 inches
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expected. forecasters say hermeye is taking aim at the big bend and part of the state's are already feeling it. they revie rain flooding roads around tampa bay. the hurricane could brian more than -- bring more than a foot of rain. a live look at treasure island in florida right now outside st. pete. we have been seeing the waves and the winds pick up. florida's for, rick scott, already declaring a state of emergency. now the pentagon is activating national guard troops to help first responders deal with the storm. rick reithmuth has the latest update. here we go. >> here we go. this is kind of an way symmetric storm. most of the action is on the east side. hurricane warnings anywhere you see this red from around the panama city area -- actually just west of mexico beach and then areas of the big bend but the tropical storm warnings
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extending now south of sarasota. we're seeing an expanding wind field and a larger area getting stronger winds, 75-miles-an-hour sustainedded wins, gets is to hurricane strength. you have to have some point where you turn it into a hurricane at least for what we name things, and that's what we're seeing right now. potential for more strengthenle from it. don't think we'll see any weakening from the storm, which is not good news, but the rain already here and the rain impacting areas towards tamp passion which hey -- tampa, and a lot of wind obviously getting moved in toward the center, and you said it, landful tonight. the direction this takes means 10:00 p.m. landfall near an latch which. impacts the same with a big storm surge in the big bend and a lot of wind for this entire area, and then we'll watch this
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move a little bit farther towards the north. overnight the worst of it for the wind and rain. >> takes up the eastern seaboard and talk about the holiday weekend. >> big holiday weekend obviously. we have all of the southeastern states, georgia, south carolina, north carolina, dealing with this friday, into saturday, and then we have a different kind of scenario on our hands. we're not exactly sure what kind of a structure this storm will hold. and what kind of interaction it has with land and other storm systems we're watching out of the west. this right here is sunday at 8:00 a.m. a storm right here off of the jersey shore. and take a look at that. tuesday at 8:00 a.m. two tase here and we're watching the storm in this same so spot. when this track turns into a ball because we don't exactly know what is going to happen and the models indicate it getting blocked. so you have high pressure to the
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north and east and the storm can't go anywhere, and we might watch this storm kind of drift here or circle back and forth right here across -- off the shore here of the northeast and the mid-atlantic. the waters here are really warm. waters well over 70 degrees and it's going too be very close to the gulf stream here which has water temperatures warmer than that. so a struggle system across the northeast, sunday, monday, tuesday. >> whet with the light blue spa getty strand around tiny town. >> let's not look at that little outlier. some models bring this back very close to land here across the northeast. not a sandy kind of event, so don't get that kind of worry. >> i wonder bat storm certainly and people on the beaches up the coast. >> don't get in the water this weekend. there's going to be a lot of riff currents and really big and dangerous waves, so not a good
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one. unfortunately for that last summer weekend across eastern seaboard, good one to stay out of the water. >> rick reithmuth, we'll get updates throughout the day. politics now. donald trump again pitching his america first message in ohio. fresh off last night's speech laying out his immigration proposal. he spoke to veterans at the american legion convention, day after the democratic rival hillary clinton addressed the same group. a focus of her speech was the importance of northern diplomacy. a different mess ranch from donald trump. >> your organization and its members have done so much to defend our country, our flag, and to advance the cause of americanism. not globalism. remember, america first. >> he also talked about national security and the war on isis. fox news confirms donald trump will get a second classified intelligence briefing from the feds tomorrow. meantime his base cheered last
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night's immigration speech. some hispanic supporters say his remarks were the last straw. donald trump and his campaign spent the last two weeks signaling he might soften some of his immigration positions. they were reading us for this possibility, but in his speech donald trump doubled down. he promised a deportation force. and said that anybody in this country illegally could be kicked out and there could be no way for undocumented immigrants to get legal status without first leaving the country. one member of trump's national hispanic advisory council resigned in response. another member blasted donald trump in an e-mail to republican leaders-writing, quote, i'm so sorry but i believe mr. trump lost the election. the national hispanic advisory council seems to be simply for optics and i do not have the time or energy for a scam. john roberts has the news. wilmington, ohio, this afternoon, where trump is holding a rally latter. what more are we lash about trump's advisory council?
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>> reporter: i'm told by sources that at least six members of the hispanic advisory council have either resigns or thinking about resigning. the first person to resign, jacob monte, houston attorney. aisled told what they're upset about is the tone of the remarks in addition to the substance of the remarks. they thought that donald trump should not have handled such a serious topic in a rally-like setting setting and some feel he was whipping up the crowd at the expense of latinos. as though substance, one thing they're up and -- upset about was this idea, subtle i stated, of self-deportation. this is the part of the speech that some of them are very upset about. listen. >> for those here illegally here today who are seeking legal status, they will have one route
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and one route only. to return home and apply for reentry like everybody else. >> reporter: they believed that was neither realistic nor compassionate, which is what donald trump promised then in this speech. >> other members of the council speak ought as snell. >> reporter: they think that last night in the speech donald trump effectively was demonizing mexico after just going down there to enjoy hospitality of mexico's president. that there was this back and forth we didn't discuss who about paying for the wall, and nieto said we did talk about and it we're not paying for the wall, and donald trump on twitter saying mexico will pay for the wall and here's what he said a short time ago at the rally in ohio. listen. >> we're going to build a wall. mexico is going to pay for the wall. we're going to stop drugs from coming in. [cheering] >> we've got to stop the drugs
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from pouring into our states. it's poisoning our youth and others. our youth is being poisoned. people are being position sonned. -- poisoned and we have toast it stopped and will get it stopped and we're going to get it stopped quickly. >> reporter: so there's were points nieto and trump agreed on. the wall they disagreed on who is going to pay for it. i saw constructive ambiguity in dealing with the noncriminal aliens. he seemed to kick the can down the road and members members ofs hispanic advisory council didn't pick up on that are and upset what he said. >> what kind of a ambiguity? >> reporter: constructive ambiguity. henry kissinger continued the term. >> i've hear that about. constructive ambiguity. a little michigan for everybody. >> reporter: yeah. it was grab bag. what you saw today, at the american legion, was more
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inclusive and optimistic tone about putting america and americans first and treating everyone with compassion and dignity. last night, more firey and firm tone, even though it is true what john points out, he retreated and has technically softened from his original policy of a deportation force. the force he is talking about putting within i.c.e. is basically the obama policy. you deport criminals. the rest he was ambiguous about because he doesn't want to say in a speech where he is trying to firm up his base, i'm actually backtracking on this, because that's exactly what it is, and to some who are hardliners on immigration, in the form've staying here is. a necessary city, it is forgiveness even if you don't get a path to legalization, and so going to be very interesting to see what this does to the polls. it's all intentional. a purposeful zig-zag to try to bring in republican voters who are voting -- voted for romney
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and rejecting trump, particularly women with college degrees, who romney won by 14 points and still lost the election. in 2012. so, they're trying to have it both ways. fortify the base, grow the vote with republicans, suburban, more moderate voters. we'll see if the gag back worked. >> you have to do all that to make this work athlete this late stage, and part of it is capturing the news cycle and has anyone ever done that like his man? >> reporter: right. but we know trump loves to dominate the news cycle. hillary clinton had one of the worst weeks she has had on the campaign trail in a year and a half last week, and what we saw was donald trump twisting around and flip-flopping, talking about hardening and softening on the immigration policy, he entered the race as a hardliner on immigration. why wouldn't be know his immigration policy? he consumed two weeks of media time looking like a flip-flop,
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does that help you with the moderate voters, republican college educated people. he has vs. some credibility in the last two weeks. >> my e-mail from his base suggested their happy. >> they're always happy. they didn't believe a long time ago he would build a wall and mexico would pay for it bit they like his attitude and think hi we bill it down and shake it it. >> i'm with you, donald trump. you're exactly right. know we can't do it, but, god, i love hearing you say it. >> reporter: that what is so being about exercise of changing the immigration policy and dominating the news cycle. you are going to keep your base, but then you'll maybe cause skeptics, who on the fence about you to think what you did was not credible. that you are unreliable because you changed your mind and changed it back several times, sent your surrogates out looking like they didn't know what your policy was and dominated the cycle when it should have been a
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discussion of hillary clinton and the foundation last week. >> i bet they don't care. we'll see. >> thank you. >> there's word our tax dollars helped pay for hillary clinton's private e-mail server according to a new report that also claims taxpayers helped get the clinton foundation off the ground. a little known law that would make it entirely legal and how the clinton camp is responding. that's coming up presently. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back. it was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. it had me. it had me. i would not be a non-smoker today if it wasn't for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures.
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now there's word that former president bill clinton used taxpayer money for the foundation and at the private e-mail server according to politico which cites records from the general services administration. the web site reports it did not find anything illegal at all but, quote, dot offer evidence how the clintons blurred the line when the foundation, hillary clinton's state department and business deals of bill clinton and the couple's aides. bill clinton says he will step down from the foundation should his wife win the white house, and if the foundation will stop taking donations from foreign countries and corporations. a spokesperson for bill clinton blasted the politico report calling it false and intentionally misleading. jennifer griffin is live in cleveland where the vice president, joe biden, will be campaign for hillary clinton today. what else is in the came statement from the bill clinton suppose person. >> reporter: the clinton campaign is demanding a
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reextraction. bill clinton's spokesman issued the following statement, quote: this is patently false. the clinton's personally paid for their serve ex. no gsa funding was used for a private e-mail server anywhere, and the clinton foundation never housed a gsa funded e-mail server, private or otherwise. the server described in the politico story did not transmit e-mails according to the campaign. it was housed at president clinton's harlem office and contains his post presidency considers, separate from the clinton foundation. the gsa offers presidents money to make sure presidents do not en'up in poverty like president truman did. most of that went for offices and staff in hard. he. joe biden took questions. he was asked about the perceptions of the clinton foundation. >> i think the clinton
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foundation, like all foundations, is in a position where things are changing and i think she has changed and adjusting to the realities of complicated how things have the become. >> the trump campaign put out a statement in which it said that the fact that vice president biden did not vouch for clinton shows that she had, quote, terrible judgment. shep. >> an order has come from a judge on this matter? >> reporter: this is a separate matter. there's a story that has broken by the daily caller, in which they essentially say that -- they foia'd -- last november they foia'd from the state department something separate. this wanted to know if hillary clinton and her aide, huma abedin, and other aides, received security training for how to handle classified information. a judgment has now forced the
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state department to respond to -- within two weeks or face depositions. this is a setback for the state department. separately the fbi still could release as early as today, this afternoon or tomorrow, those notes from clinton's interview with the fbi over her private e-mail server. the clinton campaign says they will welcome when the 302 notes are released because they think it will show clinton's point of view and why james comey, the fbi director, did not choose to pursue charges against her. >> thank you. hermine the hurricane is 130 miles from florida and headed directly toward the big bend. we'll head to florida for an update from the coast as people there brace for a really so far unpredictable storm that has lived already for, like, 17 days, and has no chance of disappearing before labor day. you push
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>> got word that the dallas police chief, dave brown, announced he will retire just weeks after he led the city after that ambush that killed five of its officers. chief brown says he'll step down next month. spent more than three decades with dallas pd. you may remember his words of unity for the people of dallas and beyond after the deadly ambush in july. in a statement chief brown said, let's always remember the fallen officers, including the five officers on july 7th, 2016, and the brave men and women of the dallas police department for their sacrifices to keep dallas safe. their memory will remain with us all forever. i know the people of dallas will never forget the ultimate sacrifice they made on the streets of our city. that awful night; and few will
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forget his leadership in the days that followed. i won't. a fox news alert. on hurricane hermine. rick rye might says it should let between 10:00 tonight and 1:00 in in the morning but exact time doesn't matter. rain is comping, some folks are leaving homes. officials in low-lying areas issuing mandatory ordered. some people say the water is inside their homes other, are sticking around waiting for the center of the storm the happen. steve harrigan is 100 miles north of tampa. where are you exactly? >> reporter: we're in about 135 mileses north of tampa and the landfall is still ten hours away. the storm that many people were calling just a rainstorm, not a big deal. but it's showing and bite already. we're seeing some deer tier
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you're rate -- deteriorating conditions over the last hour and a half. the rain coming in side ways and water on the road. this county is under mandatory evacuation, along with few 0 ooh counties counties and the for has been on the television saying this is a life threatening storm. we see people obeying the order for mandatory evacuation. i can show you one of the loreleiing streets. just about six inches but the concern is storm serge. we could be for a away from where the storm is making landfall but the right side, the east side, is going to get hit with hard winds. storm surge could be from four to eight feet. so where i'm standing could be chest-high water, and keep in mind, this is all going -- i have to hold on to the fans -- the worst is going to happen at
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1:00 in the morning and 3:00 is the high tide so you won't have rescuers going out. you'll have two inches of water shut out, electricity out, and all happening in the dark so a place that is hardened to storms and people not evacuating. thinking they can ride it out. they'll have a challenge. >> a lot of storm surge. >> anywhere from five inches to 20 inches depending on where you are, but it's coming down steadily and now coming down sideway. we have had to move back the truck and the car every hour or so, and coming in quickly right now, and for ten hours out i'm surprised how strong this is. it could be a more powerful hurricane than we have seen and as we know it's just crossed the 74-mile-per-hour limit so it is a hurricane.
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it's going to -- >> i was just noticing this, and wondering if these are -- are those regulation flip-flops there? are they storm worthy? >> reporter: it's tough to find six 16 in walmart but these are pretty good for now. >> got to go to the super store for that, steve. are you going to move away from there? if we keep the camera will you end up swimming? no we're good. it's not too bad yet. i got one hand -- >> he can handle at the taliban but people should not stay around. evacuation should have already happened, right? >> reporter: yeah. mandatory evacuation is in effect, but they really know the area and know this town so well, they know which buildings are going to get hit, but if it comes up to machetes, looks like the first floor of the homes where 800 people live will be
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out by tomorrow morning. >> number of that looks drivable. these considers, turn around, don't drown, is in effect. >> that is a problem, and this is an island, too, so the only road in and out is going to be flooded shortly and no way in or out. so you have a potential worst-case scenario. but i've got to say the mood is not one of panic here among the 800 hearty residences at cedar key florida. >> a salty bunch for sure. these flip-flops, we'll have those available at fox gear. we'll tweet you about it. be careful. >> thanks, shepard. >> donald trump and hillary clinton are now virtually tied when it comes to how much voters distrust them. that's one of the findings in the latest fox news poll. a lot of new polls to dig through today. what voters had to say about hillary clinton's e-mail server and donald trump refusing to release tax returns. their oval thoughts on the two
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candidates. they don't much like them and what that will mean come election day, we go got polls and flip-flops available now.
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more headlines from the fox news deck. thousands of people took to the streets in brazil after lawmaker impeached the president there. she is accused of cooking the books to cover up a budget deficit. this is sao paulo southwest of rio. cops used tear gas to shut down the protests. >> families are living in tents where their houses used to be after a wildfire burned tens of thousands of acres in cajon pass 60-miles northwest of l.a. crews working to get the power back on for people who still have homes. look at this, a partial solar eclipse over parts of from.
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this is new in -- the view from reunion island in the indian ocean. this eclip happens once every 18 months and lasted three minutes.
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blue the dog here for propane. you know, i'm just a humble dog. i didn't attend the elite boarding kennels, but i do know that nothing beats the freedom of living out here with propane, people can live where they want, and just as cozy as they want. whether it's a hot bath (no thank you), a warm bedroom, or a perfectly grilled steak. drop it, drop it, drop it proudly independent. proudly american. proudly propane it's scary when the lights go out. people get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. so many things can go wrong. it's my worst nightmare. every second that power is out, my city's at risk. siemens digital grid manages and reroutes power,
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so service can be restored within seconds. priority number one is keeping those lights on. it takes ingenuity to defeat the monsters that live in the dark. >> his is the e-mail obtained by judicial watch after the sued in federal court for huma abedin's records and was sent in july 2009, six months into then-secretary of state hillary clinton's term at the state depth. in the e-mail a top clinton executived a huma abedin if she is able to get him and his colleagues at the foundation diplomatic passports. this is a big deal. we don't know from the brief
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exchange here whether they obtained diplomatic passports bus under the federal code of revelations, the regulations that governor employees for the u.s. government, diplomatic passports have very strict controls so they're for diplomats and families, obviously, people who do government business, and there's a carveout for government contractors but under any of those scenarios that's no way the clinton foundation could -- we asked the state department if this passport's granted but this will likely be seized on by clinton's critics as another example of where there was the blurring of the lines between the state department and the foundation. >> likely you're right. thank you. new polls, i have new polls. in these polls, voters are describing the presidential candidates and they are describing them variably, dishonest, terrible, and untrustworthy. that's on the menu.
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according to at the latest fox news poll 66% of voters say hillary clinton is not honestest, is not trustworth, and 63 say the same thing about donald trump. 44% say they are, quote, terrible. that's nearly half calling them terrible. with a little more than two months to go let's bring in john'sey from "the wall street journal." >> remarkable. >> at a minimum. >> some are really telling. from in polls your able to get a calibration of how well the candidates' messages are sticking. here's a telling one to me. call for a full screen once, f and c, this year's election rigged? that's donald trump's stock in trade. it's rigged, it's rigged. well, look at that. yes, and 23% of those who say that say it's rigged for clinton, five% for trump. 63% say it's not rigged. >> that's the new fox news poll that show the race narrows let
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again. let me add a couple of other poll numbers from "the wall street journal." which reflects the findings of fox. 37% of democrats say they would have preferred somebody else to run as the democratic nominee. 52% of republicans would have wanted the same thing. from the fox poll at the same time, 87% of clinton supporters say they're going to stick by their -- >> call for number 5. >> and 88% of trump's supporters say they're going to stick by this. so basically have an entrenched electorate and you would thick the negativity, the robustness of the campaign, negative, is volatile and. impassioned vote ever wood be come tolling the poll. 60% say their spills at the highest level and that's down from the last three campaigns. we had big robust turnout at the primaries, the sentiment now is maybe it's too negative.
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>> people are curious about what these two have to identified. call for full screen number two. is trump hiding michigan in his tax returns? 60% say yes. 35% say no. and what his hiding in maybe what he is worth? maybe what he paid in taxes? things that really the electorate ought to have information about. >> the electorate is unhappy with these candidates. it's unhappy about clinton foundation issues, e-mail issues, another part of the electorate is unhappy with what they heard from donald trump, which was an enraged speech about immigrants and they heard the rally, they heard the people in the audience shouting back, this kind of scary moment for the electorate. they don't like either of these options. and what jerry writes about is 20% of the electorate has not made up its mind so both candidates are going after the small pool. >> full screen 3, continuing the michigan to hide train. why did clinton set up her private server?
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for convince 52% say to hide things, 44% say -- >> remarkable number. underscoring the distruth in the candidate. >> what i hear from the republican side, the strategists who are speaking quietly, they say what they're trying to do is make it so that this is so nasty, so disgusting, such a turnoff, that specifically women will turn off to the election, not go to the polls at all and since she, hillary clinton, had most of the female votes he will be able to do better. they want town women off. >> so when thing get nasty the electorate does re trench, saying not going to the polls today, or i'm going to vote for a third-party candidate. two candidacies running. they're right now getting 15% of the total vote, which is remarkable. now, is that going to happen? is donald trump going to be able to turn off college educated million? he's doing really badly with and
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needs to do much better with. is he going to be successful in doing that? that's probably going to be what the election turns on. >> want to see something impressive? fire it up. i just got word while john bussey was talking, look at this. we had questions on our facebook live feed the other day. i believe it was the day before yesterday, meaning the day before yesterday, where are the bears? well, there hare, marsha brady. they're in a dumpster at the moment. this is pasadena, california, and you are looking live to the facilities of kgbt fox 11 in the los angeles area. those are the bears. who are the bears? well, the bears are there they're in the back of a dumpster. now, you may remember trampling bear, trampling bear is not with us today. we used to show trampling bear -- what's that? a video from moments ago now, oh. because you need an afternoon break. it's not june gloom. it's august exhaust.
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and here on august 3178 -- september 1st now -- september 1st, before they close the pool down the bears got get in a dip. they will be highber nate -- hibernating soon and there's no polls in hibernation area. the dumpsters are their only area to forage, once they go to sleep, the bears, they have to be stocked up on food and have to have a lot of blubber on them and be able to live through the winter, like coy in a pond. they have to be able to survive the winter months, the chill of the winter, and if they eat enough now, they will be able to do that. i hear the questions from you purists. what are you doing? why are you showing this? it's not my fault. somebody in the control room put it up and told me to talk about it. is your dumpster properly protected? it's a dateline property investigation. and d-time is next. i want to see what they eat.
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it's one of life's enduring questions. what are the favorite things of the bears that you discard? your trash is a bear's treasure often. things we know. this is in the things we know category. but i wonder where pears t -- bears go when they exit dumpster. you often see them get and find some food. there's probably a pot of honey in there somewhere, in the sleepy little town of pasadena -- hello, bear. who is a bear? what is he doing? rebel bears would be playing florida state seminoles in orlando, the rebel bears, black bears from mississippi. these are not black bears. these are brown bears in pasadena. and i haven't been able to show you bears for so long that -- well, look at that. john walsh is loving the bears in the dumpster. i guess they will eat all the food available before moving on to other areas. but i think it's a great idea to
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track them. i don't think this is particularly news worthy but if you can kick leaves in someone's face, you'd want it to be televised. if think if jam lampley were around or -- there would be better commentary but we had llamas recently. we had llamas on the loose, black and white llama and they ran for many hours but we have not had the pleasure of bear activity until, well, right this minute. hello. hello, looking for more food. i don't knoll how bears talk. the chopper is up in the air and there's not a car wreck or anything to show you at the moment. and the fires seem to be taking care of themselves. the firefighters have absolutely done yeoman's work on the west coast. i was told to tell you we'll be right back because maybe we'll keep this up on facebook.
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>> critter time on fox news champ. look at this ah! the bears left the dumpster. for those of you in at the electorate who are having -- fining this campaign unbearable, or for the news consumer trying to find its bearing, i present to you this dog which apparently, obviously, just chased the bears out of the dumpster -- this happened in the commercial. watch the dog. i said to producers, if his dog becomes bear lunch, we're all -- it will be the end of our bear activities on the screen here. but the bears -- the dog there they go. this is how it happened. look at the puppy down there. see that?
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that will live like look look's barking. so the dog chased the bears out of the dumpster, and since things are unbearable today, i thought we'd just show you that because -- i mean issue it took three minutes of your day. you have all day to be mad at the politicians. sadly we -- now at all the food is out of the dumpster -- and there's the puppy back home. hi, puppy. live shot of the puppy. there's the puppy back home. mama, mama, look what i caught. my mom's cat used to bring mice home and put them on the back porch. look what i brought you this: this would be a different present. if the bears show up again, fear not. a huge explosion rocked a space ex launch site. the blast destroyed the falcon 9 rocket which was set to launch a communications satellite for facebook. phil keating is live. what happened.
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>> reporter: cause up known put for nasa that's raises serius -- races serious concern. tate planning on launching astronauts on this same rocket design as early as next year. the explosion could be felt for dozens of miles and you can see the thick black plume of smoke from further. facebook planned to use a portion of the satellite to beam internet service to develops nations nations in africa. now, total destruction of the rocket and the israeli satellite. there were multiple explosions at the launch pat and that enormous fire ball. this was a commercial launch, totally independent of nasa. the latest update from space spacex, quote. the anomaly occurred during propellant loading of the vehicle, all person never were clear of the -- all personnel were clear of the pad and there were no injuries. another spacex falcon 9 rocket
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exploded last year. spacex is targeting next december or early 2018 to begin launch astronauts on the dragon capsule, which is stacked on top of the falcon 9 rocket as part of the contract with nasa. >> thank you. hermine is knew hurricane headed toward florida. we'll get phil keating out of the rain, and how is bear watch 2016? they got ground crews now. the local television station got ground crews out there on the bear hunt. that's obvious. look. look what they destroyed her. here comes a man running. another one. you see a bear? well, i mean, i saw one but a dog chased it away. that's fedex. absolutely, positively gets it there overnight. bear hunt continues. ♪"all you need is love" plays my friends know me so well.
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they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... so i finally decided to show ...tomy eyes some love,... bed. ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. it's all about eyelove, my friends.
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weather alert. hurricane hermine is heading to florida, threatening the west coast from tampa to the panel handle. forecasters thick it will mail landfall tonight. forecasters say hermine to cause tornadoes. jonathan sir -- serrie is in panama bach. >> reporter: we're experiencing a brief break in the rain and the tourists are back out on the beach enjoying what may be their last walk before the storm system comes ashore. look how the water in the gulf is churning. lifeguards are warning people not to go out in the water because of the dangerous rip currents. occasionally a big wave will drive water up our way, and
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itself is bat tub warm and the warm waters are fueling this powerful storm. >> this is storm is awful but the bears are different. these bears are trying to get them out of this neighborhood because they're real concerned that the residents and the bears won't peacefully coexist. so, they've got lots of people out on the ground now that -- i told them they should just elicit the help of the puppy. if that puppy got the bears out of that trash can fast, and sent out a warning, please put lids and bungie considereds on your trash cans. they're concerned the bears will get too much food. there's a pot of honey in this neighborhood somewhere where. the chopper is $4,000 an hour to keep until the air, and you need to find bears or get on home. get on home. but they believe the bears -- we
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we are watching -- the bears are somewhere in this general vicinity. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads... here... here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ♪ [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs.
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on this day in 1972 bobby fisher from brooklyn defeated the soviet union and became the chess champion of the whole wild world. hes up against the grandmaster champ, boris spatsky. fisher was on a 20-game winning streak. became the youngest player to win the u.s. chess championship at 14. he was the first american-born player to win on the world stage and it was check mate in the match of the century, 44 years ago today. what we'll do next is facebook live, and on facebook live, well, you do not reject the manna from heaven. so when we move over to facebook
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life we'll just watch for the bears. and see how that goes. we'll update the dow on facebook live as well. i hope you're afternoon is fantastic. happy hunting. we'll see you book here soon. >> a new batch of clinton e-mails raising a lot of new questions.the clinton foundation welcome everyone. i'm trish regan in for nell cavuto. at the center of the controversy i an execty foundation and a request for a passport. catherine herridge was the breaking details for us. >> reporter: the e-mail was first obtain by judicial watch who sued in court for huma abedin's records. the umenyiora -- e-mail was sent six months into secretary clean to be's term before doug band. in the e-mail band